Is Your Online Presence Disrupting Your Life?
What happens in Vegas may stay in Vegas, but what happens online can be found anywhere. Every time you check your email, search a website or use your smart phone through WiFi, your personal information is being disseminated all over the web. And that information can keep you from the home, the car and the job of your dreams..
How your searchable history can be used against you
Have you had trouble in the past obtaining employment due to information about you that has been procured through online search engine results such as Google, Yahoo! or Bing? Have you had trouble obtaining credit, loans, or insurance for the same reason? Has your employer informed you that he has “Googled” you and taken any action based upon the results of an internet search?
Every day your future could be at risk because your online presence is not reflective of your greatest potential – and because employers and banks are using what they find online against you. Your pictures from your vacation might be enough to keep you from a job. Your best friend may miss out on her loan because the bank goes above and beyond a normal credit check.
If you believe banks, financial institutions and employers should not be able to perform an internet search of consumer information so easily, then it is time to stand together.
Paulson & Nace, PLLC is interested in hearing from you if an online search engine report has resulted in adverse consequences for your financial or employment status. If you are interested in discussing these issues with an attorney, please contact Paulson & Nace by filling out our contact form indicating your willingness to be contacted by a privacy attorney.
Christopher T. Nace works in all practice areas of the firm, including medical malpractice, birth injury, drug and product liability, motor vehicle accidents, wrongful death, and other negligence and personal injury matters.
Read more about Christopher T. Nace.