Tort Reform is a Myth, and Congress is Lying to You

As a society, we forget that we have certain rights especially if it’s not pertinent to our particular life at a particular time. We feel as if, “Well, I’m not affected, so why worry about it?” But this country has held that whoever you are, you may sue a person who injures you and eventually…

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DC Metro Accident Injury Lawsuits

The DC Metro system, or the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) is a public transit system that is funded by the governments of Washington, D.C., Virginia and Maryland. The third largest transit system in the U.S. includes the Metrorail system of rapid transit trains that travel on and below ground, and the Metrobus system.…

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Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety on the Roadways

Bicyclists and pedestrians must share the road with motor vehicles that weigh thousands of pounds, and can kill them in an instant in the event of a collision. All of us are pedestrians at some point, but when we get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, we must be mindful to keep an eye…

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The DC. Metro’s Platforms Are a Menace

When you live and work in Washington, D.C., you get a lot of use out of the Metro. Because it is so convenient to use the Metro a lot more people are taking the train than ever before. This has led to serious overcrowding on the platforms – an annoyance for many people, but a…

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