How AI Chatbots Help Doctors Make Better Diagnoses

Artificial intelligence (AI) has many potential benefits, along with risks. One area where artificial intelligence is already having a positive effect is in the practice of medicine. AI is helping physicians have a better bedside manner with their patients, providing better documentation, recommending optimal medical staff levels, and even drafting readable medical notes. AI’s ability…

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Common Hospital Errors That Can Lead to Legal Action

Patients can suffer injuries or die when hospitals fail to act competently. Competency involves anticipating health dangers, providing quality staff and equipment, and fully monitoring the care of everyone in the hospital for emergency care, scheduled surgeries, or other reasons. Our medical malpractice lawyers work with hospital administrators, physicians, and other medical experts to show…

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When Delayed Diagnosis Becomes a Life-Altering Mistake

When an individual does not feel well and decides to visit a doctor, they usually trust and depend on that doctor to correctly and promptly provide a diagnosis and successfully treat them for their condition. As patients, we should be able to expect as much from our providers. These professionals must go through years of…

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Can You Sue a Hospital for Getting Sepsis?

Although sepsis is a dangerous and deadly condition that is known to emerge quickly and suddenly, it is almost always preventable with proper care and treatment. If you or a loved one developed or were diagnosed with sepsis while in or shortly after leaving the hospital, you may be eligible to file a medical malpractice…

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When Medical Malpractice In Washington DC Leads To Paralysis

Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider fails to deliver the standard of care expected in the medical community, leading to injury, harm, or death of a patient. Medical malpractice can lead to paralysis when a healthcare provider’s negligence or error causes significant harm to the patient’s spinal cord or nervous system. Here are some…

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Delays in Patient Care Increase Since Amazon Took Over One Medical

Amazon might be efficient at delivering packages, but the company’s approach to health care appears to be endangering patients’ health. Internal documents leaked to the Washington Post indicate that care has suffered for elderly patients of One Medical, the primary care service Amazon acquired in 2022. Since taking over the service, Amazon has been routing…

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What You Should Know About Placenta Accreta

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey, where a mother’s uterus and placenta nourish the developing fetus with oxygen and nutrients. Ideally, the placenta should attach to the uterus during pregnancy so that these essential life requirements can pass without harm to the mother or child. However, the medical team caring for the mother and child must…

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A Washington, DC Regulator Reports That the Metro Is Failing to Provide Quality Safety Practices

In January 2024, The Washington Post reported that the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission released an audit analyzing the Metro’s Automatic Train Control (ATC) and Signals Program. According to the report, Metro workers responsible for maintaining safety systems designed to prevent collisions were found to be non-compliant with internal procedures. The audit highlighted instances where overseeing…

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