Posts by Christopher Nace
What Kinds of Experts Testify in a Medical Malpractice Case?
When you’ve been injured by a medical professional, their very first reaction isn’t to apologize, In fact, most have been taught not to do that as it can be construed as admitting fault. Instead, you’ll encounter roadblocks to learning the truth about what went wrong. If the harm that you suffered caused permanent damage or…
Read MoreMilitary Members Can Sue for Medical Malpractice. Has It Helped?
Imagine your dream being to serve your country, that you make it through grueling basic training and go on to accomplish your goals. You knew that you were signing up for an inherently risky profession and you accepted that fact, but did you ever think that the military would turn its back on you when…
Read MoreThe Potential Benefits of CBD for Infants with Brain Damage
Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is the technical, medical term for a type of brain damage resulting from an interruption in the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain. Newborns are particularly affected by this condition when they have experienced oxygen deprivation (or birth asphyxia) close to or at the time of birth. Therapeutic hypothermia is currently…
Read MoreVaping in Young People Substantially Increases Their Risk of Getting COVID-19, Study Says
According to a new study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine, vaping among teenagers and young adults significantly increases their risk of testing positive for COVID-19. The research revealed that among the young people who were tested for the coronavirus, the ones who engaged in vaping were between five to seven times…
Read MoreFamily First: Paulson & Nace, PLLC Donates Video Conferencing Tools to Deanwood Rehab and Wellness Center
The coronavirus has been hard on families all over the country, but for our loved ones in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, the fallout has been even harder. The strict visitor guidelines put in place to save lives have made it difficult for families to connect. That is why Paulson & Nace, PLLC donated…
Read MoreWashington VA Medical Center Continues to Fail Its Patients
The VA Office of Inspector General released a report in July regarding an incident that occurred at a Washington, D.C. VA hospital in early 2019. The incident in question involved a veteran who arrived at the hospital asking to stay the night, because he or she was battling withdrawal from opioids and was having suicidal…
Read MoreMetformin Recall Spreads to Seven Manufacturers
An investigation into the diabetes medication Metformin by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began in December 2019 after the drug was recalled in other countries. It was announced in May by the FDA that lab tests revealed levels of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) that came in higher than recommended by the agency. Not long after the…
Read MorePaulson & Nace, PLLC, Attorneys Named to 2021 Best Lawyers List
Paulson & Nace, PLLC, is pleased to announce that all three of our attorneys were named to the 2021 Best Lawyers in America list: Barry J. Nace, Christopher T. Nace, and Matthew A. Nace. All three attorneys were named to the list for their work in the Washington, D.C., region. The Best Lawyers list has…
Read MoreWhat Is the Difference Between “Duty of Care” and “Breach of Care”?
What does a doctor actually owe you as a patient when you are under their care? This is a question raised by many who have suffered at the hands of their medical provider. There is a difference between the duty of care and breach of care when it comes to medical malpractice. Understanding what a…
Read MoreNew Study Shows Promise for Early Detection of Newborn Brain Trauma
Brain trauma is one of the most devastating diagnoses a doctor can give to the parents of a newborn child. Conditions like cerebral palsy, Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, umbilical cord issues: these are the conditions that nightmares are made of. Even “mild” brain trauma is serious, and can lead to difficulties for the rest of the…
Read MoreEx-Felons Can Resume Serving as Jurors in Washington, D.C.
Over the last decade, there has been a concerted effort throughout the country to restore certain civil rights to people who have served their time after a felony conviction. Most of these efforts have involved voting rights, though there have been pushes to “ban the box” and to ensure that ex-felons can access public assistance,…
Read MoreBarry J. Nace Honored with Leonard M. Ring Champion of Justice Award for 2020
Paulson & Nace, PLLC is proud to announce that partner Barry J. Nace is this year’s recipient of the Leonard M. Ring Champion of Justice Award. The award, presented by the American Association for Justice (AAJ), recognizes an AAJ member of at least 10 years who epitomizes “outstanding integrity and overall character and has…
Read MoreMaryland Nursing Home Fined $70,000 for Failing to Protect Patients from COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic that started in early 2020 hit the Maryland nursing home population extremely hard. In fact, the Pleasant View Nursing Home in Mount Airy suffered an outbreak that resulted in 126 infections and 29 deaths among patients and staff. Now, the facility is facing $70,000 in fines from the state for failing to…
Read MoreThe Time for Stricter Drug Regulations Has Come
No matter how much or how little television you watch, it’s impossible to avoid viewing a commercial about a drug that has caused some type of serious disease. The latest news out of the pharmaceutical industry is the recall of ranitidine drugs, the best known of which is Zantac. The recall is just another in…
Read MoreLong Term Effects of COVID-19 on the Body
COVID-19 has presented health officials across the globe with challenges related to the disease, including determining how it will impact those who suffer from it in the long term. COVID-19 has presented serious complications for people of various ages, including pneumonia, organ damage, organ failure, and death. As we learn more about COVID-19 and its…
Read MoreCan COVID-19 Cause Birth Injuries?
The immediate answer to this question is no; COVID-19 cannot cause birth injuries directly. However, there are circumstances that could arise due to COVID-19 that could lead to neonatal injuries for the baby. Over the past few months, studies have been conducted to determine if pregnant women, women who gave birth during the pandemic, and…
Read MoreThe Hidden Costs of Healthcare
There is no doubt that there are hidden costs of healthcare. We don’t mean the premiums or seeking care outside of your network, or even Emergency Room bills. It may sound cynical, but most people are fully cognizant of the shortfalls in their coverage, and expect to receive “surprise” bills associated with their care. For…
Read MoreHas the Mental Health System Failed?
More than 40 million Americans deal with some form of anxiety or depression or another mental health issue yearly. People turn to games, television yogis, video tutorials, blogs, Facebook posts, and other digital methods to deal with their mental health problems. Do you see something wrong with this picture? There’s plenty of access to care…
Read MoreThousands of Veterans Turned Down by the VA – and Thousands More Are At-Risk
A study released in March 2020 found that thousands of veterans were unlawfully turned down by the Department of Veterans Affairs for decades. These veterans had other-than-honorable discharges, leaving them desperate for care and feeling invisible. The study was conducted by the Veterans Legal Clinic at Harvard Law School and it found that veterans have…
Read MoreWhat Pandemics Teach us About the Importance of Rural Hospitals
As we continue to battle the unseen virus COVID-19, more people are realizing the need for and importance of rural hospitals. These hospitals continue to lose their funding or are being shuttered altogether and now there are thousands of people with nowhere to go for medical treatment. Rural hospitals have faced many other problems over…
Read MoreWhat Is an “Expert Witness” in a Medical Malpractice Case?
In almost every single medical malpractice case, the plaintiff will have to hire an expert witness to provide testimony. For the most part, anyone who does not have an MD at the end of their name will not be able to answer questions regarding your injuries, which is why you should seek a qualified medical…
Read MoreDoctor Bias Is Real – and It’s a Serious Problem
Doctor bias is a real problem that often leads to medical malpractice claims. It occurs for various reasons, one of which being the doctor simply makes a diagnosis based on what he or she has seen recently in other patients, instead of what’s wrong with the patient in the room at the time. There are…
Read MoreAppeals in Medical Malpractice Cases Are Important
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has denied immunity to a drug treatment facility after the death of a patient. A lawsuit was filed over the wrongful death of a patient who went into cardiac arrhythmia while he was receiving voluntary treatment for addiction at the Bowling-Green Brandywine facility. When admitted, the patient reported to the facility…
Read MoreCan You Sue a Naturopathic Doctor for Medical Malpractice?
When a medical doctor or healthcare provider falls short of meeting the acceptable standards of medical practice and the patient suffers an injury as a result, a medical malpractice claim may be filed. The claim may be brought to court by the patient and must confirm certain tort negligence elements in order to demonstrate proof…
Read MorePound Civil Justice Institute Publishes Report on Aggregate Litigation in State Courts
The Pound Civil Justice Institute is dedicated to helping ordinary citizens obtain justice by working with judges, lawyers, legal educators, and the public. The Pound Institute’s latest report focuses on aggregate litigation, and includes academic papers by prestigious professors and commentary by the panelists at a judicial forum held in July 2019. One hundred and…
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