mRNA Vaccines: Fact versus Fiction

The COVID-19 vaccines have been out for several months now, and millions of Americans are vaccinated against the coronavirus. Because of the unprecedented speed of development and the unpredictability of the virus, it is understandable that many people have questions about the vaccine. There are many myths and facts surrounding the new mRNA vaccines authorized…

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Medical Misdiagnosis and “The Big Three”

A study from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine has identified the three major disease categories most misdiagnosed by medical professionals in the United States. These conditions, known as the Big Three, are responsible for nearly two-thirds of injuries from diagnostic errors. A diagnostic error, or misdiagnosis, can mean the difference between life and…

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Sexual Assault Statistics for Washington, DC

The past few years have seen a reckoning for sexual assault in terms of news coverage and state legislation. Across the country, we have seen laws that increase the penalties for rape, the time limits for filing civil claims regarding sexual assault, and condemnation for public figures who act abusively. The one thing we have…

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Confused by Vaccine Terminology? This Will Help

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing everyone to think about how vaccines work, what vaccines do, and a range of other vaccine-related issues. For many, this information is brand new, as are the processes being used to create the vaccines. Most vaccines require years before the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) will approve them. New science, such…

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Employer Liability for Sexual Assault

Employers are generally liable for a hostile workplace, and for the conduct of their employees. If an employee sexually assaults another employee, or if a supervisor fails to address accusations of harassment, assault, or hostile work environment, the victim can file a claim to hold the employer liable. Employers will usually assert that the sexual…

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Where to Get a Forensic Exam After a Sexual Assault

A recent article from NBC News unveiled a tool allowing survivors of sexual assault to search for trained sexual assault nurse examiners (SANE) in their area. Sexual assault forensic exams, also called rape kits, are an important tool in collecting evidence to support arrest and conviction of the perpetrator. However, not all medical professionals are…

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Surgical Robots Are Here to Stay, Despite Lingering Concerns

What used to be routine but complicated medical tasks undertaken by human beings may soon be performed by moving, talking computerized devices. The future has been arriving in the medical field for some time but it seems that the machines are truly getting ready to take over, and that will create medical liability for a…

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New Breakthrough In Traumatic Brain Injury Diagnosis

Medical device manufacturer Abbott recently received FDA clearance for the first handheld rapid blood test for concussions. This device is portable, provides information in 15 minutes, and can reduce the number of unnecessary CT scans for victims of head and brain injuries. Medical professionals and experts are hoping this new diagnostic tool will help save…

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Can the Use of Artificial Intelligence Reduce Malpractice Liability?

A recently published study found that physicians who follow recommendations from artificial intelligence (AI) software may be more shielded from liability than previously thought. Past research has indicated that laypeople (i.e., the general public) are resistant to AI, but this study shows that potential jurors are actually not strongly opposed to a physician’s acceptance of…

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Six Mistakes That Can Lead to Legal Malpractice

A career in the legal industry requires a high degree of professionalism, as well as adherence to certain rules and regulations. If an attorney fails to meet the standards of their industry and their client suffers  as a result, the attorney may be held liable for legal malpractice. Legal malpractice typically occurs when a lawyer’s…

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Can the Measles Vaccine Protect Against COVID-19?

A recently-published study theorizes that the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine may help protect people from COVID-19. After analyzing their data, researchers came to the conclusion that people with higher levels of mumps antibodies tended to experience less severe cases of the coronavirus. Published in mBio, an open access journal published by the American…

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Misdiagnosing Cancer in the Wake of Coronavirus

It is safe to say that there is plenty of worry to go around these days particularly when it comes to your health. Staying vigilant about what even a sniffle could mean has become second nature to most of us. When you finally do decide it’s time to seek medical care, you expect to come…

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Six of the Worst Medical Device Recalls of 2020

Technology produces some pretty amazing devices for the medical field that enhance treatment and recovery options. Companies that design these gadgets often rush their products to market by cutting corners such as using subpar materials or not testing as thoroughly as they should to ensure safety. Streamlining medical treatment is big business, but patients shouldn’t…

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Elemental Baby Formulas May Cause Serious Injuries

New parents can so easily become overwhelmed with trying to do everything the right way for their baby. It’s certainly crucial to get the important things right when it comes to health and safety for your newborn or infant. There are so many of these areas to stay on top of that it can be…

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Paulson & Nace, PLLC Named to Best Law Firms for 2021

The team at Paulson & Nace, PLLC is proud to announce our firm was selected for inclusion in the 2021 edition of Best Law Firms. Further, the firm was named Tier 1 in the Washington, D.C. area for its outstanding work in: Medical Malpractice Law for Plaintiffs Personal Injury Litigation for Plaintiffs Paulson & Nace,…

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