Choose a Motorcycle Helmet to Protect Your Brain, Not Just Your Head

Motorcycle helmets have an important job to do. They must protect the rider’s head in the event of a crash. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, helmets are about 37 percent effective in preventing deaths in a motorcycle crash, and about 67 percent effective in preventing brain injuries. Most motorcycle helmet manufacturers are…

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Now Researchers Cannot Even Tell You about Dangerous Drugs

Dr. Nav Persaud is a physician and drug researcher at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, Canada. He has been researching a drug called Diclectin, which is manufactured by Duchesnay Inc. It is the only drug on the market which has been approved by Health Canada to treat nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP). There is…

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Hospital Acquired Infections Affect One in 25 Patients According to the CDC

Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) or health care associated infections affect patients in hospital or other health-care facilities and were not present or incubating at the time of admission. HAIs represent the most frequent, adverse events in health-care delivery worldwide. Approximately 30 percent of patients in ICUs will be affected by at least one health-care associated…

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Amusement Park Accident Injury Lawsuits

Perhaps it is the threat of imminent danger that rollercoasters and other amusement park and theme park rides impose which gives thrill-seeking riders such a rush, but every year about 4,400 children get injured on these rides according to the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS). The most serious injuries that cause death are not…

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Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Is Saving Lives

There are few topics more distasteful than fecal transplants, and discussing them with a doctor can be embarrassing for many people. However, a fecal transplant could be the cure to Clostridium difficile, or C. diff, a nasty infection that affects up to half a million people each year and kills close to 30,000, according to…

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West Virginia’s Water Contains an Unsafe Amount of Teflon

The Ohio River Valley in West Virginia used to be a base of operations for DuPont, where is manufactured a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid, usually abbreviated to PFOA or C8. It was used in a variety of products, but the best known among non-scientists or engineers is Teflon. The risks have been known since the…

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Dangers of Driving in the District of Columbia

The dangers of driving in the District of Columbia are legendary. Each year, Allstate releases the Allstate America’s Best Drivers Report, which is based on claims for that insurance company, and ranks the 200 largest cities in the U.S. in terms of how frequently drivers get into collisions. The national average frequency for car accidents…

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Keeping Updated about Auto Safety Recall Information

The U.S. Justice Department has ordered General Motors to pay $900 million to settle criminal charges related to a faulty ignition switch that has been linked to at least 124 deaths. GM admitted that its employees were aware of the problem for almost a decade before it initiated the recall of millions of cars last…

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Failure to Warn: What are the Dangers of Faulty Medical Advice?

A new research study has uncovered the lack of knowledge and a high level of misinformation about gynecological conditions that could be keeping women from getting the health care they may need. A team of doctors from the Center for Innovative GYN Care (CIGC) has launched a new public education campaign designed to inform women…

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The Hazards of Motorcycle Riding in the District of Columbia and West Virginia

Motorcycles are a dangerous form of transportation, but that does not stop motorcycle riders from enjoying the exhilaration and feeling of freedom that comes from riding. Accidents involving motorcycles are, with good reason, far more catastrophic than accidents between passenger vehicles because riders have no protection from the road or from other vehicles. For motorcyclists,…

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What the Media Does Not Understand about Premises Liability

A woman recently sued Dunkin’ Donuts and settled her premises liability case for $522,000. The media has had a bit of a field day with the story (as have the commenters on the sites covering the news) because they assume that this is another hot coffee lawsuit. In actuality, the victim “tripped over an exposed…

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Why Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Rely on Expert Testimony

Medical malpractice is defined as “improper, unskilled, or negligent treatment of a patient by a physician, dentist, nurse, pharmacist, or other health care professional.” In order to prove that a healthcare provider was negligent, and that the negligence led to a breach of duty and harm to a patient, attorneys consult with experts in the…

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The FDA Warns about the Dangers of Medication Errors from Drug Mix-ups

The Food and Drug Administration has issued a safety advisory to doctors, pharmacists and patients to check both the prescription and the label on medicine bottles before taking a new prescription drug. They have received several reports concerning prescription errors with regard to drugs with similar sounding names, but with completely different purposes. For example,…

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Medical Malpractice and the Rise of Gastric Bypass Surgical Errors

The rise in popularity of gastric bypass and other surgical weight loss procedures is directly linked to the rising obesity rates in the Unites States. Gastric bypass is a bariatric surgery technique which treats morbid obesity by dividing the stomach into a small pouch and re-routing the small intestine. This procedure reduces the volume of…

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